Over the River and Through the Woods

by:   Joe DiPietro

Nick is a single Italian American young man from New Jersey. His parents have retired and moved to Florida. He still is tied to his family, because he  sees both sets of grandparents every Sunday for dinner. This is routine until he has to tell them that he’s been offered a dream job. The job he’s been waiting for – marketing executive – would take him away from his beloved but annoying grandparents. He tells them, but the news doesn’t sit so well. Thus begins a series of schemes to keep Nick around. How could he betray his family’s love to move to Seattle for a job, wonder his grandparents? Well, Frank, Aida, Nunzio, and Emma do their level best, and that includes bringing to dinner the lovely – and single – Caitlin O’Hare as bait.


Aug 20, 21, 27, 28,  2010
Directed by Joel McGill
Produced By: Sarah McGill

Character / Actor


Jeremy Kinnett


Roger Dailey


Anne Clodfelter


Don Goecker


Dot Goodwin


Haley Deckert


Sound and Lights

Vickey Oliphant

Sherrie Wittenbring

Stage Crew

 Matt Nieman

Stage Crew

Set Building

Joe Bradley

Set Building

Joe Reynolds

House committee

Betty Baute