Greg and Kate have moved to Manhattan after twenty-two years of child-raising in the suburbs. Greg’s career as a financial trader is winding down, while Kate’s career, as a public-school English teacher, is beginning to offer her more opportunities. Greg brings home a dog he found in the park—or that has found him—bearing only the name “Sylvia” on her name tag. A street-smart mixture of Lab and poodle, Sylvia becomes a major bone of contention between husband and wife. She offers Greg an escape from the frustrations of his job and the unknowns of middle age. To Kate, Sylvia becomes a rival for affection. And Sylvia thinks Kate just doesn’t understand the relationship between man and dog. The marriage is put in serious jeopardy until, after a series of hilarious and touching complications, Greg and Kate learn to compromise, and Sylvia becomes a valued part of their lives.

This show is not recommended for young children due to language and adult themes.

Auditions February 27th & 28th at 7pm

Our 2021-22 season will conclude with the comedy, Sylvia, presented in April. Auditions will be held February 27 and 28 at the Royal Off-the-Square Theatre. Paul Angle is directing. The three main characters are Greg, his wife Kate, and his dog, Sylvia – who followed him home from the park. Sylvia offers Greg solace in his mid-life crisis, but Kate finds Sylvia a rival for Greg’s affections. After a series of hilarious and touching complications, Greg and Kate find that Sylvia is a valued part of their lives. In addition to those three (yes Sylvia is played by a female human) there are three smaller roles, two men and one woman, usually played by the same actor, though that is flexible. Show dates are April 22, 23, 29, & 30.

Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script, and those auditioning should bring a list of conflicts. Please feel free to contact us at if you have questions!


April 22, 23, 29, 30
Directed by Paul Angle

Character / Actor
Greg: Shawn Charlton
Kate: Natalie Whan
Sylvia: Kristina Charlton
Leslie/Phyllis/Tom: Duane Bernard

Behind the Scenes
Paul Keller, Production Manager